The Alzheimer Bulgaria Association is a member of Alzheimer Europe and Eurocarers. We share the best European practices for supporting families with Alzheimer’s and dementia.
Our main objective is to make society aware of the importance of Alzheimer’s and other dementia problems. Our website provides useful information and many practical advises on the most important topics related to these diseases.
Caring for people with Alzheimer’s or other dementia diseases and their families is an important step towards a society based on the principles of equality, tolerance and mutual assistance.
At the beginning of 2024, the Alzheimer Bulgaria Association started working on its project "Non-medication therapies for the maintenance of cognitive abilities of people affected by dementia". It is worth nearly 15,000 BGN and is funded by the TELUS International Bulgaria Foundation. Within the framework of the project, over 20...
Hello, my name is Zornitsa Karagyozova. I am a member of the EDCWG and represent the Alzheimer Bulgaria Association (Алцхаймер - България). It is with great joy that I share that in 2023, the Alzheimer Bulgaria association celebrated its 20th anniversary. In honour of this unique anniversary, a national conference...
For the fifth year in a row, the Alzheimer Bulgaria Association participated in the regular 5 km run organized by "5kmrun" on October 7th. The event took place in Sofia's South Park. The campaign intends to promote regular running to assist dementia patients, their families, and caregivers. Running and sports...
Today is World Alzheimer's Day. On this occasion, the Alzheimer Bulgaria Association took part in a program on the Bulgarian National Radio, with the participation of Irina Ilieva, executive secretary of the association, and Zornitsa Karagyozova, a member of the association and a representative family member of a person with...